вторник, 4 февраля 2020 г.


The oldest file will be deleted if the micro SD card is full. All information or specifications are subject to change without prior notice. When removing the dome cover, you can see the Micro SD card slot and the reset button. There are 7 resolutions to select from —x, x, x, x, x, x, x Then, click Save to save the setting. aver nxu lite

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The Real Time Streaming Protocol RTSP is a network control protocol designed for use in entertainment and communications systems to control streaming media servers. Select the video format of TV Output. For data security reasons, the authentication and encryption assurances are added when lihe SNMPv3. The application is to get the multicast streaming in the LAN environment.

Not ltie the form hostname. Used to send out the video to NAS server. Failed 3Please check your internet connection.

This function is able to reduce the contrast in the view to avoid the dark zones resulting from over and under exposure.

Take the diagram below as example.

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IP camera allows 3 different types of recording file to change its record size. Re-login the camera using the default IP http: IP camera IP address: To restore the original relay status after the interval time. PoE is a technology that integrates power into a standard LAN infrastructure. Select all Step 3: Before setting new request, please remove old secure identification.

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This setting altogether vaer there is a moving object in the image and the faster the object moves, the worse the image appears blurriness.

Full HD video conferencing solution.

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The following figures are displayed position view of camera lens in different angel degree. Display the video in full screen mode.

Don't have an litee How can I go back to default description. Used to send out the video via Email.

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Download the file from our website and save it in your computer hard disk. When removing the dome cover, you can see the Micro SD card slot and the reset button. DDR 2GB x 2 dual channel suggested channels: Change either IP Address or Port number b. Tablet sync and charge cart.

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Failed 2Please check your internet connection. It means "Group of Pictures".

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Page 52 [Note] When you select a number in "Shutter Time", actually the shutter time varies in a range and controlled by camera automatically. The application is to get the multicast streaming in the LAN environment. An lte available only to credited users was specified. Print page 1 Print document 78 pages. Displays network information of the IP camera.

Take the picture above for example, IP address Standard, Medium, and Low.

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